Portraits, Parties & Portfolios

Memories are images in our minds. Whenever we remember a time gone by, invariably we picture a scene. That's why it is important to capture the moments in our lives. Whether it be a new born baby, children growing up (which they do all to quickly) or a significant milestone in life. A good photograph will fix a memory forever.

Portraits. For a relaxed, contemporary photo shoot, either in your home, a favourite location or maybe the studio, please contact me by phone, e-mail or text to discuss your requirements.

Parties. We all love a great party. But do we want to see our guests constantly behind their phones trying to grab the perfect photo to post online? Why not get me to take the photos and allow your guests to join in the fun and enjoy the party...that's why you invited them in the first place!

Portfolios. Models, actors, musicians.......displaying a high profile is a key part of getting hired and vital for showing prospective clients what they need to know. Contact me to discuss ideas on how to stand out from the crowd and how to be the one that gets remembered.